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Assignment Photography
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Compuware employee on the steps of Banco Bradesco, Brazil’s largest private bank. Banco Bradesco uses several Compuware applications.

Photography Services

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Compuware Regional Support Specialist, en route to a customer meeting.

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Contacted over 60 photographers in the selected regions and had them accessible to the locations immediately.
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corporate identity
Logistics and scheduling were all handled by the Assignment Photography Network. The commercial photographers produced the entire photo shoot & delivered all processed material to the client in less than a week.
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  Anniversary Projects: Powerful Corporate Communications

Anniversary Projects allow companies to showcase their employees and customers, while allowing positive customer relations to take another step forward. Re-Branding the Corporate Image to the eyes of the customer. Employees feel their appreciation by the company and the project can generate a sense of accomplishment to all those involved. AssignmentPhoto Photographers help introduce these ideas by focusing on the real-life work of the individuals that help make the whole company work.

Project Focus: Employees   
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Information Technology Division, Hong Kong Clearing Company, which operates a central clearing and settlement system for securities in Hong Kong. The company uses Abend-AID, XPEDITER and File-AID.
Before she even leaves a downtown garage, this Compuware Sales Representative closes an agreement with the canadian Broadcasting Corporation for EcoTOOLS.
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Compuware employees practice Tai Chi in a park near the office.
Regional Account Manager, client/server, meets with Siemens Components customers in the plant’s network center

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Senior Account Manager continues an age old tradition of ringing a bell to signal the start of the lunch hour.
Country Manager takes a break and catches up on the sports news.
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Compuware Professional services manager with a Distrigaz employee. Distrigaz provides natural gas to Belgium and transports gas to other European countries. The two are developing an application with Compuware’s UNIFACE development environment.

Driver Dispatch at Austria’s OAMTC auto club, which has more than 1.1 million members across Austria. The club’s emergency mechanic is pictured standing by. OAMTC uses UNIFACE to run its complex information system.
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Assignment Photography Summary

The above project details show how brings its photographers from all over the world to the specified shoot to capture the real-life events of a company and its employees. Real-Life projects offer powerful communications and corporate identity.

Having the largest global photography network, on request and on location, is what makes the solution for worldwide photography projects and corporate communications.

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6:30AM to 9:30AM
10:30AM to 1:30PM
2:45PM to 6:30PM
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public relations photography
public relations

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